When it comes to personal injury claims, auto accidents are just one specific category.
If you or a loved one experience a car accident and need to file a claim, please be aware that personal Injury claims have a two year statute of limitations. This means that after two years from the date of the event, if you have not filed your case, you can no longer bring a lawsuit for damages. However, your case can remain open after the two year deadline has passed as long as you have filed your case before the deadline.
The law used to determine liability (who is at fault) in personal injury cases is state specific; be sure to consult with a licensed attorney in the correct state if you have questions about a personal injury case. The states in which my firm can help you are Indiana and Georgia.
Although many cases (or claims) will be resolved prior to a case ever being filed in court, it’s in your best interest to work with an attorney from the start because you don't know in the early stages of attempting to resolve your case with the at fault party if you will need to file a lawsuit, and if you do have to file a lawsuit, working with an attorney form the beginning will put you in the best position.